EuroPride Conference 2019

EuroPride Conference 2019

Rathaus Vienna, Austria
  • #Pride
35 € - 190 €


Rathaus Friedrich-Schmidt-Platz 1, 1010 Vienna, Austria
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Event information

Event Details

EuroPride Conference 2019

Vorträge und Workshops

Die EuroPride-Konferenz wird die größte LGBTIQ-Konferenz der österreichischen Geschichte und soll die verschiedensten Aspekte der Community auf hohem Niveau beleuchten. Angefangen von der Rolle der LGBTIQ-Community für und in Unternehmen sowie deren Arbeitsalltag, wie auch über die Entwicklung von LGBTIQ-Rechten als Menschenrechten und die Bedeutung von Stonewall bis hin zu den verschiedenen Situationen in Europa aber auch wie die Community mit ihren eigenen Minderheiten umgeht. Darüber hinaus wird es praxisorientierte Workshops geben, um die tägliche Arbeit der Community zu unterstützen

Pride Business

Mittwoch, 12. Juni 2019
Wiener Rathaus, Volkshalle

8.00 Anmeldung

9.00 Begrüßung

Katharina Kacerovsky, Geschäftsführerin EuroPride Vienna
Jürgen Czernohorszky, Vienna Executive City Councillor for Education and Integration
Sandra Konstatzky, Member Equinet Executive Board, Chair Austrian Ombud Gleichbehandlungsanwaltschaft
Rebekah Smith, Business Europe (tbc)
Ludo Swinnen, Co-Founder European Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (EGLCC)
Siri Lande, COO Ose Water, former VP Danske Bank

Ban Ki-Moon, former UN Secretary-General
Dunja Mijatovic, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights

9.30 Panel: Pride as an Economic Factor

Katharina Kacerovsky, CEO EuroPride Vienna
Rebekah Smith, Business Europe
Gernot Mittendorfer, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Performance Officer Erste Group
Marcel Haraszti, Divisional Board Member of Trade International, REWE
Michaela Huber, Executive Board Member, ÖBB

10.30 Pause

11.00 Panel 1: THE COMPANY YOU DO NOT EXPECT – Proud to be Barilla people
Panel hosted by Barilla


Nina Tsilomanidis, Diversity & Inclusion Barilla

Podiumsdiskussion mit
Nina Tsilomanidis, Diversity & Inclusion Barilla
Jonas Grimheden, Senior Policy Manager at Fundamental Rights Agency FRA
Deb Bubb, Chief Talents, Learning and Inclusion, IBM (tbc)
Katharina Cziczatka, Queer Business Women QBW, Vienna

12.00 Panel 2: Proud at Work?
Presentation and Panel hosted by Arbeiterkammer AK

The situation of LGBTIQ employees in Austria and what equal treatment laws can (not) do for them

Präsentation der AK-Studie „Situation of LGBTIQ Employees in Austria“,
Sybille Pirklbauer, Arbeiterkammer Wien

Präsentation „Possibilities and Limits of Equal Treatment Laws”,
Martin Risak, Institut für Arbeits- und Sozialrecht, Universität Wien

Podiumsdiskussion mit
Sybille Pirklbauer, AK
Jonathan Blake, Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners LGSM
Traude Kogoj, Austrian Railways ÖBB
Wolfgang Wilhelm, Vienna LGBTI Antidiscrimination Office WASt

13.30 Mittagessen

15.00 Panel 3: Hands-On Experience from Employee-Networking
Panel hosted by REWE

How to Build Up an Internal LGBTIQ Network
Karl Gietler, REWE

Podiumsdiskussion mit
Karl Gietler, REWE
Julia Vasky, Erste Bank
Marijn Pijnenburg, Business Development Executive, EMEA

16.00 Panel 4: Women* and Lesbians in Business and what it has to do with the International Pride Movement
Panel hosted by Siri Lande

Podiumsdiskussion mit
Siri Lande, COO Ose Water, former VP Danske Bank
Eva Fels, TransX
Jean-Luc Vey, Proud at Work
Margot Slattery, Country President, Sodexo Ireland (tbc)

17.00 Zusammenfassung

Pavel Šubrt, Co-founder East meets West

17.30 Ende


Philipp Pertl (Moderator)
Ulrike Lunacek (EuroPride Vienna Ambassador, former Vice-President of the European Parliament and Co-Chair LGBTI-Intergroup)

LGBTIQ & Human Rights

Donnerstag, 13. Juni 2019
Wiener Rathaus, Volkshalle

8.00 Anmeldung

9.00 Begrüßung

Michael Ludwig, Mayor of Vienna
Moritz Yvon, President HOSI Wien
Helena Dalli, Maltese Minister for European Affairs and Equality
Terry Reintke, MEP, Co-Chair LGBTI-Intergroup, European Parliament
Manfred Nowak, Secretary General Global Campus of Human Rights (Venice); University of Vienna
Kristine Garina, Co-Chair European Pride Organisers Association EPOA
Wolfgang Wilhelm, Vienna LGBTI Antidiscrimination Office WASt

Ban Ki-Moon, former UN Secretary-General
Dunja Mijatovic, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights

9.30 Keynote + Q&A: Where We Are, How We Got Here, and Where We Need To Go

Michael O’Flaherty, Director, European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

10.15 Panel 1: Situation of LGBTIQ rights in Europe

Katrin Hugendubel, ILGA-Europe

Podiumsdiskussion mit
Katrin Hugendubel, ILGA-Europe
Zuzana Dorazilova, DG JUST
Dan Christian Ghattas, Organisation Intersex International OII Europe
Helmut Graupner, European Commission on Sexual Orientation Law (ECSOL) & Rechtskomitee LAMBDA (RKL)

11.15 Pause

11.45 Presentation of Human Rights City of Vienna

Shams Asadi, Human Rights Office, Vienna

12.05 Panel 2: Cities as Partners of the LGBTIQ Movement

Juan Carlos Alonso Reguero, WorldPride Madrid

Podiumsdiskussion mit
Juan Carlos Alonso Reguero, WorldPride Madrid
Berta Cao Menendez, Commissioner of the Madrid City Council for Pride
Henrie Dennis, Afro Rainbows Austria and EL*C
Rachael Moore, Rainbow House Brussels
Wolfgang Wilhelm, WASt & Rainbow City Vienna

13.00 Mittagsessen

14.30 Panel 3: How Neoliberal is Diversity?

Podiumsdiskussion mit
Jonathan Blake, Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners LGSM
Candy Licious, Drag Queen and Political Activist, Vienna
Elisabeth Holzleithner, Professor of Legal Philosophy and Legal Gender Studies, University of Vienna

15.30 Panel 4: Obstacles to Self-Determination for Trans and Intersex Persons

Natasha Meli Daudey, Ambassador of Malta in Austria

Podiumsdiskussion mit
Natasha Meli Daudey, Ambassador of Malta in Austria
Ioannis Dimitrakopoulos, Scientific Adviser at EU Fundamental Rights Agency
Luan Pertl, Verein intergeschlechtlicher Menschen Österreich VIMÖ Austria
Tessa Ganserer, Member of State Parliament, Bavaria, Germany

16.30 Panel discussion: Old and new conflict lines: Religions and LGBTIQ

Lior Bar-Ami, Rabbi of the Liberal Jewish Community Or Chadasch, Vienna
Seyran Ates, Lawyer, Writer, Founder Liberal Ibn Rushd-Goethe Mosque, Berlin
Michael Kuhn, Senior Adviser of the Commission of the EU Bishops‘ Conferences, Brussels
Stefan Schröckenfuchs, District Superintendent, United Methodist Church, Vienna

17.30 Zusammenfassung

Ulrike Lunacek, EuroPride Vienna Botschafterin

18.00 Ende


Tessa Prager (NEWS Weekly Magazine)
Philipp Pertl (Moderator)

Community & Workshops

Friday, June 14, 2019
University of Vienna

9.00-10.30 Workshops A

Workshop A1: Intersectionality and Disabilities

Elisabeth Magdlener, CCC
Florian Wibmer, WASt Vienna

Workshop A2: Social Media for LGBTIQ activism

Gazal Köpf, Social Media Expert, BigCityDykes

Workshop A3: Using Research for Advocacy and Activism

Juul van Hoof, FRA

10.45-12.15 Workshops B

Workshop B1: Fight Like a Dyke! Lesbian Politics, Genius and Feminism in the LGBTIQ Community

Anastasia Danilova, EL*C EuroCentralAsian Lesbian* Community
Leila Lohman, EL*C EuroCentralAsian Lesbian* Community
Ulrike Lunacek, former European Parliament Vice-President and LGBTI Intergroup Co-Chair

Workshop B2: Fundraising for LGBTIQ activism

Juan-Carlos Alonso Reguero, WorldPride Madrid

Workshop B3: Sex, Marriage, Victimhood: Queer Identity Today (German)

Ralf König (tbc)

12.30-14.00 Workshops C

Workshop C1: LGBTIQ Activism and the Legal Situation in the EU

Bernhard Ledinski, Queer Amnesty Austria
Terry Reintke, MEP, Co-Chair LGBTI-Intergroup, European Parliament (tbc)

Workshop C2: Fighting the Backlash

Henrie Dennis, Afro Rainbow Austria & EL*C
Rachel Moore, Rainbow House Brussels

Workshop C3: A Path to an LGBTIQ-Friendly Education System
Hosted by queer@hochschulen and Ausgesprochen!, Austria

Elly Barnes, Educate and Celebrate, UK

EuroPride Vienna 2019

Organizer of EuroPride Conference 2019
Location of Rathaus
Rathaus Friedrich-Schmidt-Platz 1, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Get directions


Rathaus Friedrich-Schmidt-Platz 1, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Open Map

Online Tickets

  • 1-Tages Ticket Regulär95,00 12. oder 13 Juni
  • 1-Tages Ticket Ermäßigt60,00 12. oder 13 Juni
  • 1-Tages Ticket Regulär45,00 14. Juni
  • 1-Tages Ticket Ermäßigt35,00 14. Juni
  • 3-Tages Ticket Regulär190,00 12. bis 14. Juni
  • 3-Tages Ticket Ermäßigt120,00 12. bis 14. Juni