2nd Puppyweekend

2nd Puppyweekend

Vienna, Austria
  • #Community
  • #Fetish


Hamburgerstraße 4, 1050 Vienna, Austria
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Event information

Event Details

2nd Puppyweekend

Das Puppyweekend geht in die 2. Runde…

Wir sind stolz das wir es wieder geschafft haben ein Event zu schaffen um die Puppcommunity zusammen zu bringen .. Freunde zu finden und einfach zu zeigen .. Pup sein macht Spaß..

Friday 27.09.2019

18:00: Meet & Grewet @ROPP

23:00: Dance & Play with Dj RAY AZUMA & DJ SK:)IN @Hardon

Saturday 28.09.2019

13:00: Citywalk Puppies on Tour @U4 Margaretengürtel

15:30: Puppy-Play and Puppy-Dinner @Fetchshop Vienna

19:30: Pre-Election Mr.Puppy Austria 2020 @Fetchshop Vienna

22:00: Dance and Play with DJ RAY AZUMA @Hardon

Sunday 29.09.2019

11:30: Fetish-Brunch @SMARTCAFE

19:00: Naked Meets Puppy @Hardon

To tale part in events at HardOn a one-time member registration is obligatory. Registration is free of charge and has to be done online for your first visit

More Infos: www.Austrian-puppies.at or www.lmc-vienna.com


Organizer of 2nd Puppyweekend
Location of
Hamburgerstraße 4, 1050 Vienna, Austria
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Hamburgerstraße 4, 1050 Vienna, Austria
Open Map