Tel Aviv Gay Pride
Tel Aviv – One of the hottest gay spots in the world – holds its extravagant Pride Parade on June 12th 2020 (The final date may change to another date), with more then 250,000 proud people from all around the globe.
The annual event which takes place for the 22nd time will start at 10 am, in a large fair with music, drag shows and speeches. The parade will kick off with specially designed floats, marching groups, uplifting music and countless participants and spectators. Departing from Ben Tsiyon blvd / Melchette st. the parade route will take you along the beautiful streets of Tel Aviv towards the city’s Charles Clore beach where the famous beach party will be held from 2:30 pm till sunset.
Tel Aviv Pride 2020
TLV20 party bracelet will be available to purchase a few months before the parade
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