- #Fetisch
Let’s Talk About Sex and Drugs, an open forum to discuss important topics on sex and partying in an intimate social setting with friends, is returning Wednesday, March 4th at Kake.
Have you ever wanted to discuss topics like sexual health practices, chemsex, HIV, PrEP, or just sex and drug use in general but were unsure where to begin or didn’t feel comfortable to ask? This evening provides an open discourse in an intimate environment to openly discuss issues that affect our community in an honest and sociable way.
The event is an open format salon that will feature a rotating panel of writers, medical experts, activists, performance artists, drag queens, and community members that are engaged in promoting sexual health and openly talking about critical topics that can be uncomfortable or taboo for some people to address.
The audience is encouraged to engage and participate by sharing their experience and concerns on these matters while sharing a few drinks with friends.