RED-Session – Long Term Fist Party @ FOLSOM Europe

RED-Session – Long Term Fist Party @ FOLSOM Europe

Böse Buben e.V. Berlin, Germany
  • #Fetish
  • #Party
25 € - 28 €


Böse Buben e.V. Sachsendamm 76-77, 10829 Berlin, Germany
Open Map


Event information

Event Details

– – English Version below – –

Long Term Fist Party @ FOLSOM Europe

– Eintritt Abendkasse 28,00 €,
ermäßigt* 25,00 € – jeweils inkl. 5,00 € Mindestverzehr
* Schüler und Studenten von 18 bis 29 Jahren und berlinpass-Inhabern erhalten bei dieser Party gegen Nachweis einen Sozialrabatt.
– Geld sparen im Vorverkauf!
– Buffet
– Garderobe, Kondome, Handschuhe, Duschen, Spülmöglichkeiten und Handtücher kostenlos

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Long Term Fist Party @ FOLSOM Europe

Day membership:
Entrance Ticket € 28,00 — incl. € 5,00 for drinks
— reduced*: € 25,00 — incl. € 5,00 for drinks
* Discounts for students (please show a proof) between the ages of 18 and 29, as well as holders of the berlinpass.
– Save money, buy your ticket in advance!
– we offer a buffet to our guests at the party
– Cloakroom, Condoms, Gloves, Shower, Douche and Towels for free

By entering our premises and participating at our events and parties you agree to accept and follow our rules:

Location of Böse Buben e.V.
Böse Buben e.V. Sachsendamm 76-77, 10829 Berlin, Germany
Get directions


Böse Buben e.V. Sachsendamm 76-77, 10829 Berlin, Germany
Open Map

Online Tickets

  • Regular Ticket28,00 inkl. €5,00 for Drinks
  • Reduced Ticket25,00 inkl. €5,00 for Drinks - for Students between the ages of 18 and 29 or with Berlinpass